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香功在新加坡 Empty 香功在新加坡

帖子 由 Admin 周一 十月 24 2011, 13:53

non-profit organisation to promote healthy lifestyle for senior citizens

Xiang-Gong Mutual Help and Care Group Singapore
The Xiang-Gong Mutual Help and Care Group was established in September 2000. It was co founded by Mr Lam Hoi Hin, chief instructor and late Mdm Hong Kwi Moi, It aims to systematically introduce the correct way and attitudes of practising Xiang-Gong.To ensure the professionalism of the volunteer instructors, the Xiang-Gong Mutual Help and Care Group conduct frequent courses to train them. Upon completion of the courses and having passed the examination, these volunteer instructors will be awarded the certificates that certifies them as a qualified Xiang-Gong instructor. At present, we also have about two hundred qualified instructors.

Till today, the Mutual Help and Care Group has more than 100 Xiang-Gong groups under its leadership and care. There are about 5000 members. Through the daily practise of Xiang-Gong, it provides the members the opportunity for interaction and healthy living. Besides, the Chinese, we also have Malays and Indians friends participating in practise Xiang-Gong. As such, the Society hopes that through the daily practise of Xiang-Gong, it can aid in contributing to a harmonious society. With such a purpose in mind, the society has received the government support in its activities.



1992年,香功传入新加坡,多年来由于一直都没有一个正式的组织来领导与推广香功,故多年来没有真正地普及起来,更由于没有深入正确地了解与认识香功,以致产生了许多不正确的习练方式,甚至有人改变功法,加入动作,给人们造成了极大的混淆。这非但无助于香功的推广,还对香功长期健康的发展起了一种破坏和阻碍作用。因此,为了让香功在新加坡能够得到真正的发展及社会各方的肯定与认可,维护香功的纯正性,使香功能长期,健康地发展下去,造福人群,香功联谊会(义务团体) 于2000年9月注册成立。





香功在新加坡 LogoanimatedOur Logo:
The logo depicts the four different races practising Xiang-Gong and the significance of it is to promote Xiang-Gong as a form of wellness activity for all Singaporean regardless of race and religion. This is in line with our multi-racial and religious society. The logo is designed with the aim to strengthen the public's confidence towards the Xiang-Gong Mutual Help and Care Group which is a self-directed and organised society.

The objectives of Xiang Gong Mutual Help & Care Group are:
A) To promote healthy lifestyle through group exercise for multi-racial residents of Singapore regardless of their religion.
B) To enhance good neighborliness and racial harmony through exercise.
C) To provide mutual help and care to members especially the senior citizen.
D) To provide mutual help and care occasion for interaction and create a stable and
prospectus society .

香功在新加坡 Pm2
Xiang-Gong Mutual Help & Care Group's membership is open to all residents of Singapore. regardless of gender, religion and races, who are interested in Xiang Gong Practice for good health. No course fees will be collected except membership fees which is at $10 for two years.

To develop and promote Xiang-Gong exercise, a healthy Lifestyle in Singapore, we have organised the National Xiang Gong Mass Exercise and Anniversary Celebration Dinner every year in May and October respectively. All members are encourage to participate and support such events.

History of Xiang Gong:
Xiang-Gong is a form of Qi-Gong that has originated from China. It has a history of about two centuries.

Xiang-Gong is easy to learn as the strokes are simple. The effects and benefits of it are readily seen hence resulting in its popular acceptance among people from different races, ages and religion. Some of the benefits are improving one's immunity system (or ability), prevention of common illness and allows one's to relax the body and mind.

前言- 介绍香功保健操

香功,作为众多气功的一种,源自于中国古代,相传至今已有两千多年的历史,它是目前传播最广,学练人数最多的气功之一。 由于练功时调动了自身的泌香机制,而发出香味,所以称为香功。传统的气功一般上都注重讲经络,调息,讲意念,招式复杂,难以学练,给人一种神秘感,而使现代人不易接受。 现代人生活繁忙,节奏快,尤其当今世界各地,人口老龄化问

题日益严重,所以特别希望有一种简单易学的新型保健气功出现。香功,作为气功百花园中的一只奇葩,正是顺应了这种形势的要求,动作简单,不强调意念,如同一般的保健操一样易学易练 (因此又称香功为香功操),而又保留了传统气功的奇特功效。所以自1988年香功当代唯一传人将香功公诸于世以后,很快便被世人接受,而传遍世界各地,并创造了气功界三个之最:一是普及速度最快,二是适应面最广,三是受益者最多。为了适应本地的生活风貌及社会背景,期望能吸引到不同年龄及各阶层人士练此功因此把中国香功改称为香功保健操,但坚持保留功法的纯正性。

In 1988 an unusual form of Qigong, called Aromatic or Fragrant Qigong (Xiang Gong), kept secret by the monks for centuries, began to be taught openly in China. It is so named because of the fragrances that appear from nowhere as the form is practiced. The bigger the group the stronger the scent. Even passers-by have smelt it.

An old man, called Tian Ruisheng was responsible for teaching it publicly. Due to its simplicity and incredible healing effects, Fragrant Qigong very quickly spread all over China and in less than 2 years it became the biggest style of Qigong ever taught by anyone, despite the fact that it had never been advertised. And Master Tian became one of China's instant celebrities.

Today Fragrant Qigong is practiced by millions throughout China. It is claimed that the form brings enormous therapeutic results, especially with asthma, diabetes, stroke, deafness, arthritis, skin diseases, circulatory problems, obesity, hormonal imbalances, digestive problems, kidney and gall stones and is very good for reducing stress. There are even many cases of deafness who regained their hearing through practicing Fragrant Qigong. The list is so long that they normally mention what it does not cover and who should not practice it rather than what it does cover (because it is much shorter), primarily sufferers of serious acute diseases needing immediate attention such as:

- acute coronary infarction
(severe heart condition)
- acute appendicitis
- rabies
- poisonous bites from snakes, spiders and the like,
but also:
- sufferers of schizophrenia
- late stages of cancer and
- hyperactive children*

Apart from smelling fragrances, during practice, some people might experience itchiness, tingling, yawning, feeling hot or cold, heavy, sleepy, energised and similar. These are all good signs. Itchiness is a sign of rebalancing blocked meridians. Yawning is a sign of energy going through and clearing the central meridians known as the Small Universe. If you get a cold feeling come over you, that means the disease is leaving the body (it can make you freeze in the middle of summer).

In some cases, the symptoms temporarily appear to be getting worse, however, this is a sign of energy attacking disease. By keeping up the practice it will eventually eliminate the disease.

Tian Ruisheng had known the form for 50 years but never taught outsiders. At age 12 he had been cured of a serious illness by a visiting Buddhist monk. The monk taught him Fragrant Qigong on the proviso that he keep the form secret for 50 years. He obeyed the instruction. For centuries Fragrant Qigong was preserved by one person of each generation, who would eventually teach the form to another of the succeeding generation.

The wide-reaching, beneficial results of Fragrant Qigong, and the simplicity of its requirements to perform, encouraged countless Chinese institutions, such as schools, universities and factories, to make it part of their working day. The heads of these institutions not only provide time for this practice, they themselves join the staff and employees, or students and attend the practice regularly. It's claimed that workers and staff are not only healthier but happier as a result. There is less sick leave taken, increased production and better results achieved all-round.

*Fragrant Qigong is very easy to learn and practice, however it needs to be taught properly and taken seriously. It still is a commitment and if done wrongly can cause the damage. It is not a game and, for that reason, is contraindicated to hyperactive children. Nor is it a good idea to simply show the movements to a friend during a chat or follow some chart without being properly explained and supervised. If really pressed with time it could be taught in say an hour or two but cutting it down to 5-10 minutes would really DO ONE MORE HARM THAN GOOD! We've come across some websites offering animated Fragrant Qigong movements for visitors to follow but they were not only wrong but in wrong order as well. How irresponsible and how damagong it can become both to the practitioners' health as well to Qigong reputation.

Master Tian Ruisheng

The Last Living Secret Master of Fragrant Qigong (Xiang Gong)
香功在新加坡 Mastertian
Prior to May 1988, Master Tian Ruisheng lived an ordinary life, always happy and keen to help others. No-one would have ever imagined that behind the face that looked just like any other was a very extraordinary man, one of the most powerful living healers and Qigong masters in the world.

Tian Ruisheng was born in the late 1920's in East China and at the age of 12, had developed an incurable skin disease. His parents tried everything they could, but nothing helped as they saw him literally dying. One night, there was a passing Buddhist monk who knocked on the door asking if he could stay the night. They let him stay, but explained that they were too distressed to attend to him properly. When the monk realised what was distressing them, he asked if he could try something to help cure their child. They agreed without expecting any miracles. The monk used special hand positions and made sounds in order to heal the boy (ie. the high level Fragrant Qigong) and in no time, the boy was completely cured.

What joy it brought the Tian family! It was like a fairytale. The monk then chose to make the boy his successor of the style, he taught him Fragrant Qigong and told him to live a normal life but to keep the style secret. Then after half a century he should publicly come out and help the needy. Unlike many other Qigong styles, to reach a high level, one has to commit years of lengthy daily practice, often forcing them to quit what we call a "normal" life and go to the mountains or temples; Fragrant Qigong however, takes little time, is simple, easy to perform and can enable one to become a grand master without anyone ever knowing.

And so, for years, day after day, Tian Ruisheng secretly practiced Xianggong throughout the different phases of his life, through the war, throughout his marriage and he still continues the practice today. He was employed as a miner, a tough and dangerous job, but never complained. He retired many years later and was admired as one of the best miners that ever worked for the company.

Then, in the late 80's when many other secret styles of Qigong were publicly introduced, he decided to make his contribution. For the first time in China's history, there was a period of peace, stability, the living standards of the average person had improved immensely and there was genuine interest and enthusiasm in society towards their traditional disciplines.

In his city - Luo Yang (the old capital of China and the closest major city to the world renown Shaolin Temple), Tian Ruisheng gathered about 200 people, mostly sufferers of chronic diseases and showed them how to do Fragrant Qigong. For 2 weeks day after day they came and learnt Fragrant Qigong and he performed his amazing healing powers on them. As he stood on stage, he would first ask everybody to relax, not lean back, put their hands on their knees with their palms facing up and then he'd talk about Fragrant Qigong. Occasionally he would do some special movements with his arms or would use a special fan that he'd wave at them.

Most people smelt strong fragrances, some felt a stream of energy in different parts of their body, tingling or itchiness. Even on the very first day many people were completely healed while many felt much better. People who could not walk for years stood and walked. Out of 17 deaf people (most of them born that way) 15 regained their hearing. A cancer patient was rid of his cancer completely. Diabetics, sufferers of asthma, hepatitis, gall stones were cured too. It was like something out of the movies, such as Steve Martin's "Leap of Faith" only not as glamorous but with plenty of genuine cases. And master Tian was not surprised at the results of those who were cured. He taught his first group of students, then they taught others, which then created a snowball effect that spread right across China.

There are three levels of Fragrant Qigong. Each level has 15 movements, takes about 10-15 minutes to execute, and the first level needs to be done twice a day. For sufferers of diseases, all they need is level one. After they get better or completely get rid of their disease, they can learn level two. For others, after practicing level one for at least 3 months they can learn level two. Level two is more for longevity and beauty (one may lose weight or improve skin or hair quality) as well as being a preparation for level three, which is the highest level one may reach.

It can take many years of practicing level two to be eligible for level three and Master Tian is very strict about who he teaches. Reason: strong powers that can be developed by practicing level three can be manipulated and misused if they end up in the wrong hands. Among others (are you ready for this?) the Ban Yun technique which in the west is known as teleporting (ie. the ability to transport physical objects from one place to another by using the mind) is used a lot in Fragrant Qigong to remove diseases from patients' bodies. If misused, it could be very effectively used to say transport all the money from a bank to a private safe and there is nobody who could stop it. Or if they hate someone they could say, put a pen in their brain.

To Master Tian Ruisheng money is not of much importance. After the initial few healing sessions, his reputation skyrocketed and all of a sudden everybody wanted him to come and do his unusual treatments. And he did. But not as much as the demand. On average, once or twice a month he would go to one of the cities he'd been invited to. He would always demand a minimum of 1,500 people to attend and the ticket prices to be very reasonable. They arranged the biggest halls or stadiums in those cities and they would always fill. The tickets would be around 5 yuan (equivalent to $1) but on the black market they would sometimes reach thousands (ie. up to or even more than 200 times the value). Well, he could not do much about that. But what he did do was give hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities while he kept living in a 250 year old house.

The biggest groups he addressed were at football stadiums with up to 50,000 people. Very impressive! Many could hardly even see him but they could definitely sense his presence. Every time he waved the fan at them, a massive "xiang", meaning "fragrance", was called out by the audience, because they smelt fragrances coming from the fan.

For seven years Master Tian Ruisheng gave mass healing sessions along with supporting scientists with their studies of Fragrant Qigong. In 1995 he vanished. Nobody except his closest family knows where he is. This is also not unusual. Many great Qigong masters did the same thing. They would appear, perform their miracles and then disappear again. What he did leave behind and was always stressing is that, if we want, we can all treat and prevent our diseases from manifesting themselves by regularly practicing Fragrant Qigong. Plus his son and three daughters are all high level masters of Fragrant Qigong that have mass healing sessions from time to time. But, many believe he'll be back. When we least expect it.

Some people estimated that, during the nineties, Fragrant Qigong saved China approx. 15 billion yuan per year which is more than three billion dollars, otherwise spent on medical expenses. No wonder it has been officially announced as the "Best Qigong in China" by the Qigong authorities in the late 90's (considering its effectiveness, the range of diseases it covers, degree of safety, degree of difficulty or rather simplicity, and its practicality). While Master Tian Ruisheng has been recognised as one of the 100 most influential people on the planet in a very reputable publication.

帖子数 : 40
积分 : 86
威望 : 1
注册日期 : 11-01-24


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香功在新加坡 Empty 回复: 香功在新加坡

帖子 由 Admin 周一 十月 24 2011, 13:57

香功在新加坡 Xgmes***ercise2011

香功在新加坡 Xgmes***ercise2010

香功在新加坡 Xganni20102

香功在新加坡 Centralsingapore2003

Xiang Gong at East Coast GRC + Joo Chiat ***C Sports Day

香功在新加坡 Eastcostgrcsportday

帖子数 : 40
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威望 : 1
注册日期 : 11-01-24


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香功在新加坡 Empty 回复: 香功在新加坡

帖子 由 马丁 周四 十月 27 2011, 10:24




帖子数 : 74
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威望 : 2
注册日期 : 11-02-14

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